Rubber rabbitbrush
Ericameria nauseosa is a shrub in the sunflower family (Aster) found in the arid regions of western North America.
Along with associated species, like big sage and western wheat grass, rubber rabbitbrush is only lightly or occasionally used by herbivores during the summer. However, it can be heavily used during the winter when other food sources are scarce and on depleted rangelands.
Some of the species that consume it include mule deer, elk, pronghorns, and black-tailed jackrabbits. It is considered poor forage for almost all domestic animals, though sheep are reported to consume significant amounts of it in Utah.
It is also frequently used as shelter by jackrabbits. Dense stands of this species often grow on poorly managed rangelands, in disturbed areas along roadways and on abandoned agricultural property.
The Zuni people use the blossoms to make a yellow dye. They use the stems to make baskets. The Navajo also made a yellow dye from some of the flower heads.