Applications opened January 3rd here.
Acceptances start January 16th.
Please do not register and pay for General Registration if you plan on applying for a scholarship.
Bluff Lake is committed to offering scholarships for 25% of our program spots.
Assistance is available for Bluff Lake Summer Camps for families who are unable to pay for summer camp thanks to our Carl Wells Summer Camp Scholarship Fund. Carl Wells played an important role in getting BLNC on its feet, and keeping it there. He was a longtime volunteer educator, Saturday birding guide, Board member and treasurer, and steward of our 123 acres. Carl was very committed to Bluff Lake's mission of making nature accessible to everyone, and this scholarship fund aims to make sure every kid has the chance to experience a week of summer camp at Bluff Lake. Donate during camp registration to contribute to the Carl Wells Scholarship fund!
If you have any questions, please contact Education Director, Chira Noce at