Below are some commonly asked questions about camp. If you do not find your answer below please email the Camp Director at ben@blufflake.org. All camp families should read through our Camp Handbook (updated for 2025) to familiarize themselves with our policies.
When you complete your camper’s Health Profile on CampDoc you will have the opportunity to request that your child be placed (or not placed) with siblings, or with any other specific campers you may know who are registering for the same week. After accommodating any such special requests, we will group campers by age. Unfortunately it is NOT possible for campers ages 5-6 to be grouped together with campers ages 7-12; these are two separate camps which each have their own separate activities and specific location within the site.
Due to construction on our site this summer, pick-up and drop-off will be at 3192 N Havana Way, Denver, CO 80239. Please park in the neighborhood along Florence Way and safely cross Havana Street at the stoplight. Our new entrance will be right at the intersection of Florence Way and Havana Street. Please be courteous to our neighbors when you park and know that we are not going to be strict about drop-off and pick-up times this summer to accommodate these temporary changes. Thanks for your understanding!
Standard drop off is at 9-9:15am. On Monday you may arrive anytime between 8:35-9:00am, but on Tuesday through Friday please do NOT arrive prior to 9:00am unless you are registered for pre-care. Pre-care campers can be dropped off anytime between 8-9am. Standard pickup is at 3pm. Post-care campers can be picked up anytime between 3-5pm. Late fees will be assessed for tardy pickups: $20 if you are 20-25 minutes late, $30 if you are 26-30 minutes late, $50 if you are more than 30 minutes late. If you are running late for drop off or pick up, or if you need to pick up your camper early, please let us know as soon as possible (call or text Ben at 413.896.1507). You may be asked to meet at the current location of your camper's group rather than in the parking lot.
Junior Counselors will be asked to arrive at 8:30am and stay until 3:30pm. If the Junior Counselor has younger siblings, they can stay for the extra 30 minutes with our pre/post-camp care counselor for free. Please let us know if you would like to take advantage of this service.
Rain and heat are part of the outdoor experience, so we plan to hold camps regardless of weather. We do understand the dangers of lightning, however, and we will take appropriate shelter if that occurs. If lightning persists we will notify parents, and they will have the option to pick up their child early. Children not picked up early can continue their camp day safely under shelter. We do not issue refunds for early pickup due to lightning storms. During Ozone Alert days we will take precautions to stay in the shade and rest in the afternoon. Please make sure your camper is prepared for all likely weather conditions by bringing a raincoat, sun hat, and plenty of water.
Yes, except during high water.
Sand Creek starts in Aurora and ends in Commerce City. Suncor (a company that has polluted Sand Creek multiple times) is six miles downstream of our site and therefore does not impact our water quality. Sand Creek is monitored by Denver Water who test its health both on and upstream of our property. We take these precautions to keep campers safe in this urban creek:
Campers can wade up to their knees.
No water near eyes, ears, or noses.
Counselors sweep area before campers enter for hazards.
Camp Director checks water level daily and closes it if too high.
Two adults monitor campers while they are in the creek.
Bluff Lake takes safety around water seriously, and also appreciates the wonderful opportunities our creek provides campers to cool off and explore. If you have any concerns or questions about creek use please email our Summer Camp Director Ben Jacques (ben@blufflake.org).
We will be doing a lot of walking, so please wear comfortable shoes. Close-toed shoes with socks are preferred.
We will also have time for wading in the creek, so campers should bring water shoes to change into during creek time. The creek bed can be slippery, so NO bare feet or flip flops will be allowed. If your child does not have water shoes, we will provide them.
Dressing campers in layers helps them adjust to changing temperatures throughout their day. It also protects them from insect bites and scratches. A long sleeve layer over a short sleeve layer for the top and bottom is best.
Please write your child’s name on everything they bring to camp!
Full water bottle (we provide unlimited refills)
Snack (Campers in post-care should also bring a second snack.)
Lunch (Please pack an extra-large lunch for our extra-active days! No refrigeration is available.)
Sunscreen and hat
Water shoes (No flip flops or bare feet, please!) We will provide water shoes if your child does not have any. Some campers also like to bring a small towel and plastic bag for changing out of wet water shoes after creek time.
Rain Jacket
Bug spray
Campers may bring their own field tools (binoculars, bug nets, etc.) if they wish, but we will also provide these items to use during camp.
Campers should not bring any valuables or electronic devices to camp! Lost or broken phones, money, and jewelry can ruin a camp experience.
Wearing the camp t-shirt to camp is always optional, never required. On any given day, usually about 25-50% of campers tend to be wearing their camp shirt. We will give you your child's T-shirt when you arrive at their first day of camp. Some campers want to change into their new T-shirt right away, and some choose to send it home with their parents to save for another day (both choices are common). If you would like more than one T-shirt, you can purchase additional T-shirt(s) for $10 each during your online registration in CampDoc.
Porta-potties are provided on site, along with hand-washing stations and hand sanitizer foam (we do not have flushing toilets). These are serviced 2 times a week and are checked daily by staff for cleanliness.
If your camper has never used a porta-potty before please take some time to walk them through it before drop-off on their first day so they are not nervous. Staff will not enter a porta-potty with a child and cannot assist with bathroom tasks.
All campers must provide their OWN snack, lunch, and water bottle each day. Food should be non-perishable or in a lunch-bag cooler. We strongly recommend writing your child's name on their water bottle and lunch box. If your camper forgets a snack or lunch, we will call you to bring it. We can provide them with a small snack to eat while they wait for you to arrive. Campers will be required to use hand-washing stations prior to eating.
Sharing is NOT allowed between campers (except for siblings). Occasionally we will offer campers a small treat (e.g., s'mores for solar ovens, popsicles at the end of a very hot week). If your camper has any dietary restrictions, please remind your small-group counselor at the start of the week. We are happy to let you know ahead of time which specific day we are planning to provide the treat, so that you have the option to pack an alternative for your child.
When a camp week is full, you will have the option to join the waitlist for that week. Complete the registration process to be added to the waitlist. If a spot opens up, we will contact you to see whether you would still like to register. Though joining the waitlist is free, payment will be due upon acceptance. We will fill camp openings in the order campers are placed on the waitlist. You must join the waitlist for each camp session you are interested in.
Ages 5-6 and 7-12 campers can find their registration instructions here.
Junior Counselor applicants can find their registration instructions here.
Scholarship applicants can find their registration instructions here.
Junior Counselor applicants and scholarship applicants MUST submit an application and receive approval from Bluff Lake staff before registering. Registrations in the Junior Counselor or Scholarship seasons that did not receive prior authorization from Bluff Lake staff will be cancelled.
Once your camper is registered for camp, please complete their Health Profile on CampDoc. Health profiles need to be completed by May 1st, 2025.
Please contact Summer Camp Director, Ben Jacques, at ben@blufflake.org with any questions.
All medication (including over-the-counter medicine) requires specific medical forms to be completed and signed by the child’s physician. Please see full instructions here. Please note that we do not allow campers to self-carry medications; they must be carried by counselors. Our counselors are trained and certified in Medication Administration prior to camp.
Pre-camp care (8-9am), post-camp care (3-5pm), and the combination of both are all offered as add-on options when registering. You must sign up and pay for the entire week; it is not possible to purchase extended care for individual days.
Bluff Lake Summer Camp tries to accommodate youth with medical conditions, developmental disabilities, or physical disabilities. In order to ensure a fun and safe experience for all campers, please contact our Camp Director Ben Jacques (ben@blufflake.org) to discuss your child's unique needs before registering. We will do our best to accommodate your child if it is possible for us to do so.
We encourage you to learn more about our scholarship program here!
You pay a deposit ($50 for JCs/$120 for campers) of camp fees during the online registration process, with the option to set up a payment plan. The full amount is due by May 20, 2024. If you are registered and have not paid your full camp fees by the end of May 20th, your credit card will automatically be charged for the remainder. If this charge is rejected, you will be removed from the registration list. No refunds will be given for failure to make full payment by the deadline.
If you have any questions about payment methods, please contact our Education Director Chira (chira@blufflake.org).
You can view our full Refund & Cancellation policy here.
All Bluff Lake Nature Center Summer Camp staff have passed background checks through the State of Colorado and are trained in First Aid and CPR. In addition, our Camp Director is also trained in Universal Precautions and Medication Administration. You can read more about our summer camp staff members here!
Our Junior Counselor program is for teens ages 13-17. After going through an application process, they will be mentored by an adult counselor in assisting with the day-to-day activities of camp. Junior Counselor sessions are two weeks long, allowing them to build on their learning and work with different groups of campers. You can learn more about the program here.
Please feel free to contact our Summer Camp Director Ben Jacques (ben@blufflake.org).