Erickson’s February 2022 Site Update
Is it winter or spring at Bluff Lake? In the last 10 days, we’ve seen temperatures as low as -3 F and as high as 50 F! We’ve also finally started to get a little more moisture at the site, as shown by our lake level gauge, which continues to climb steadily.
The snow has presented new dimensions to our play areas, opportunities for cross-country skiers to experience the trails in new ways, and excellent wildlife viewing opportunities through the multitude of tracks and trails they’ve created!
Cross-country ski tracks on the ramp.
Coyote tracks in the snow along the Sand Creek Trail
A prairie dog leaves a track as it explores the area around its burrow.
The fluctuating temperatures have also created some challenges, including muddy trails, so be prepared when you visit the site: make sure to wear footwear you’re ok getting muddy! Please stay on the trails even in these conditions. The more pairs of feet that walk off trail to avoid the mud, the wider the trails and muddy areas get, and the harder it is for plants along the edges of the trails to survive the winter!
While January snows have kept some visitors at bay (about 3,000 less than December!), the animal community at Bluff Lake has been far from quiet. Our wildlife cameras have captured some wonderful footage of Bluff Lake’s residents: check out some of the footage below!