Great Horned Owl
Can’t smell very well, so will often eat skunks for dinner even though many other predators stay away from skunks to avoid the bad smell.
Owl’s nocturnal adaptations include: flat disk-shaped face to help funnel light and sound; excellent hearing so that they can hunt by sound alone; left and right ears in slightly different places on the head to help “triangulate” where sounds are coming from; eyesight is 10x better than humans during the day and 100x better at night; specialized “fluted” feathers that allow silent flight so they can sneak up on prey.
They can exert 500 pounds of pressure with their talons.
Owl’s don't have teeth, so they use their beaks to rip their prey apart and then they swallow it whole. They slowly digest their food and then regurgitate the harder material that they can't digest (bones and hair) as owl pellets.